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Studied Diseases

Studied Diseases

Our research is focused on investigating the genetic origin of severe human diseases as well as explaining their pathogenesis. We aim to improve diagnostic techniques and to develop new methods for both efficient treatment and prevention.

  • Brain
  • Heart
  • Metabolism

Disorders of Biorhythms

Our genes determine whether we are rather an early bird or an owl. If we do not live in accordance with our inner rhythm, our health can be in danger.


Neuropathic Pain

Pain usually warns us that there is a possibly damaging stimulation and that we need to act fast to prevent the damage to our body. However, the useful pain sometimes becomes pathologic.



Schizophrenia is a very severe neuropsychiatric disease whose first symptoms appear in the period of adolescence or early adulthood.



Epilepsy is one of the most frequent brain diseases since it affects 1 % of population. The first seizure may be triggered by a variety of events in brain – injury, bleeding, infection, or ischemia.


Chronic Heart Failure

The incidence of chronic heart failure is skyrocketing in Europe. This epidemic has multiple reasons: aging of population, decreased mortality due to cardiac disorders, and wide spreading of metabolic risks – obesity and diabetes.


Ischemic Heart Disease

The development of ischemic heart disease results from a decreased blood flow through the myocardium, usually caused by arteriosclerosis. The myocardium suffers from ischemia (insufficient blood supply) and consequently, insufficient oxygen supply. The end stage is then infarction (heart attack).



Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the civilisation illnesses that accompany unhealthy lifestyle and spreading obesity.


Yeast Infection (Candidosis)

One of the most frequent agents that cause yeast infections are yeasts of the Candida genus. They are a common constituent of human microflora. In the case of weakened immune system (as a consequence of AIDS, organ transplants, or chemotherapy), they become life-threatening pathogens.



The Czech Republic is characterized by the highest incidence of colorectal carcinoma.


Muscle Atrophy

Compounds that would stop faltering of unused muscles could be beneficial for elderly people, bedridden patients, or astronauts during long-term space missions.


Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

The combination of long-term consumption of excess food and absence of exercise, which is very common today, seriously impairs the energy balance in our organism.
